Shopping bag
- The item will be sent by the seller to us for physical control and authentication, in case the option Authenticity Certification is offered by the seller. (If the option is not active, the item will be sent directly to you, without physical check).
- The item will be checked by our experts
- The item will be sent to you
The shipping fee will be calculated in the next step, after you confirm the shipping address.
The item will be delivered to you by SAMEDAY as quickly as possible. The seller has 5 days to ship the item. If you bought from a Premium Seller, he has to ship it within 3 days.
If the item is not what you expected, you have to claim the return of the item, by clicking Return in My account / My Order, no later than 24 hours from receipt of the item. You also have the option to relist the item for sale, with 0% commission, within 72 hours from receipt of the item.